Reconnecting to the Craft

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I am on a new journey. One that has taken me down a path I never anticipated traveling…writing screenplays. What I have come to realize, and most of you who are writers worth your salt already know this, is studying your craft is more critical than I paid attention to. Every writer should spend a few hours a week just studying the craft of writing.

Whether you read a book, not for pleasure sake, but to truly learn from another author, take a course, read blog articles (be careful here…Ha), or take the time to study a new aspect of writing, this is a task worth your time. Write every day-about anything, or on your current WIP-but do it. AND study your craft. Research your genre, read books about it, study other authors good and bad. You can learn just as much about what NOT to do as you can about what TO do by reading the works of inexperienced authors.

While I am humbled by this truth – I should have respected learning growth more – I have now discovered it’s value. Join me, won’t you? Let’s learn more and become better writers.

About Kelly Abell

I am a writer, blogger, and graphic artist. My aim for you is to utilize this blog to help you improve your writing skills, and to educate you on the publishing business. If you need help with writing, want to self-publish a book and need advice, or just want to kick a story idea around to see what works best, that's what I'm here for. As I gain knowledge from editors and publishers, I will share that knowledge with you. As writers we should always strive to improve our craft and grow. A day should not pass where you haven't learned or tried something new with your writing. Many thanks to my Night Owl Friend, Lea Ellen Borg for editing my posts! Best to you and all your characters and stories. Write on, my friends...Write on.
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