More Facts About Arabians

Arabians are considered the most friendly of horses. Because they have been domesticated for so long, they have a deep trust of humans and demonstrate this with a loving and caring demeanor. Thanks to speed, agility and soundness the Arabian makes a fantastic competitive horse.

Their most common color is Bay.

As you continue through the Champions Grove series you will learn just how vital these horses are to the Champion family. They are part of the past, present and future of Bishop Champion and his clan. Launch day is Monday 11/6/23. Grab your copy now to see what I mean about these fabulous horses and the family that raises them.

About Kelly Abell

I am a writer, blogger, and graphic artist. My aim for you is to utilize this blog to help you improve your writing skills, and to educate you on the publishing business. If you need help with writing, want to self-publish a book and need advice, or just want to kick a story idea around to see what works best, that's what I'm here for. As I gain knowledge from editors and publishers, I will share that knowledge with you. As writers we should always strive to improve our craft and grow. A day should not pass where you haven't learned or tried something new with your writing. Many thanks to my Night Owl Friend, Lea Ellen Borg for editing my posts! Best to you and all your characters and stories. Write on, my friends...Write on.
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